
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Those big decision and failure

Hey guys, long time no see~
Well haha tgh busy giler dlm sem 1 yang lepas, pastu xde masa langsung nak check blog nih....

Okayh, skarang tgh cuti sem, x lama pn 3 minggu jek... (DAMN)
Whatever it is, aq nk cakap time aq jawab final exam haritu mmang teruk giler, dah la tgh demam, pastu x faham langsung...huhu

Okayla sbnarnye aq nak citer camne aq bleh masuk PSA (POLITEKNIK SHAH ALAM/ POLITEKNIK SULTAN SALAHUDDIN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH) ni..

As you guys know, i never intended to become an engineer.... it's just...TOO DAMN DIFFICULT!!! huhuhu serius kalau aq fikir balik sebab2 camne aq bleh tersesat kat bab2 engineering ni, there's only one thing that explain everything...


At first, what i really wanted to become is animation designer, you know sort of making cgi, effects and others in movie and film....
Can you believe me that i actually didn't do my best in my SPM only because i dont want programmes other than the animation?
It's the truth guys, haha during my time as a high school student in form 4 and 5, I have stick in arts and animation because i fall in love with certain animation movies which have a good storyline and a high quality modelling...
It's too naive, I'm too naive, hopes that those "worse" result will change my family's mind, other than it follows my plan, it turns out to be worse, a day after i got my result, my father asked me "di, kau amik engineering eh? kau dah sesuai sgt dlm bidang nih"....
A shocking and paralysing sentence, like I can oppose my family's decision... it's just i think "if I didn't go, how can i make it in life?"
from that on the fate are all turning to oppose me, from that time, i'm taking that program because i think of the salary i got after it, not because of my interest or so whatever.....
It's just too much that i can't handle it by myself, even my friends can't help me because this is my problems towards my family....
And when the result of IPT intake was out, i got here...
From now on i just go by what is in front of me, actually i don't have any interest in learning this engineering course.... somehow i don't know how am i surviving this program....
Well, if i got worse in this program, of course i cant blame it on anyone, i will just be grounded......

Keeping this things playing on my mind while all the things that was unnecessary happens to me....

The only matter after this is "what happen to me is my own problems" that's my pride so far, that's why i dont like those exaggerating jokes from those people in my class...
What i wish for right now is to depends on my friend who's taking that program to proceed with my dreams... please go on Fahruddin :)


Sunday, August 18, 2013

PSA? Life? Future? Everything happens for a reason...

Assalamualaikum, dah lama aq x post something kat sini kan? haha ni sebab aq skarang kat shah alam sambung belajar dalam course kejuruteraan awam, bukan universiti or kolej tapi politeknik....

Memula aq dgr nama poli ni mcam hebat je, nama dy politeknik sultan salahuddin abdul aziz shah..

Best ke tak dekat sini? Tu terpulang kat korang bila dapat kat sini, aq cakap camtu sebab bila korang jejak kaki kat sini macam2 orang korang jumpa, dari sume negeri ada....

Nak kata aq memilih kawan x jugak sbb aq layan je sume orang, tapi x tau la orang expect aq camne, aq da x kisah pasal sume tuh, macam2 bnde aq da lalu waktu sekolah, sekarang plak kat sini aq mmang da x expect pape la...
Well, selfish isn't it? tapi kengkadang korang kne la jgak jadik selfish nak survive kat dunia nih, tapi yang paling penting kat sini ade jugak kawan yang aq consider kawan rapat macam adik beradik... siyes x tipu sbb kat sini korang mmang kne pandai buat kawan, sebab diorang la yang mungkin tolong korang nanti...

Satu benda je yang da lama aq aim sejak dari skolah lagi, nanti akan ada orang yang kne buat sume benda dan ada orang yang mintak tolong seseorang itu ntuk kepentingan diri dy sendiri....
Camne aq bleh tahan dgn sume benda ni? haha mmang la aq antara orang yang kne tolong orang lain, aq mengaku yang aq ni agak NAIF, serius x tipu, tapi aq x kesah dah semua tu, aq cuma mintak tolong ngan Allah je skarang ni, aq tau sume bnde ni ade guna nya ntuk aq jgak...

Aq cuma berharap kawan sekeliling aq ni dapat graduate sesama, serius aq da x kisah langsung pasal hal keluarga yang xleh nak selesai tu, aq cuma fikir pasal diri aq je sekarang ni, matlamat asal aq nk ubah nasib keluarga, nampak je aq camni tapi aq ade gak masalah aq sendiri...

hope dapat graduate, hope dapat ubah nasib keluarga, hope something even better will happen, i will stick in my mind that Allah always watching over me, i know that im not that good in taking care of my ibadah yet i'm still muslim, and i will try to change myself constantly.....

peace, expressing my not-so-good mood :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

segala yg berlaku selama ni :)

Hi guys, lama aq hilangkan diri, sori sbb lap aq ade problem, nk update blog mmang mkan masa, huhuhu
Btw, camne korang skarang? haha aq biasa jek, ginila bila jadik penganggur nih, bhahaha

Actually, aq x tau nk citer ape ni sbnarnye hahaah sbb bk sgt bnde aq nk citer nih, yela da lebih 3 bulan aq off bnde nih,XD

Okay first thing first, siapa yg ckp lpas abis skola ni free mmang salah, ntok org yg mcm aq ni mmang cikgu akan sentiasa panggil ntok mcm2 aktiviti (poyo jek) , cthnye latih bdak boling ngan kawad, nampak cam sng kan? ya SENANG sgt hahak, okay la bnde pertama yg aq akan bagitau pasal latih budak ni mmang penat, serious aq x tipu, dah jadik org luar ni lagi penat nk latih budak daripada korang latih budak time korang leading mse skolah dlu...
Ibaratkan korang terpaksa korbankan masa di rumah ntok ajar budak....

Time latih budak, aq dan budak senior lain datang dan ajar tanpa dapat apa2 ganjaran daripada cikgu, penat kan? hahah well kitorang x kisah sbb kitorang ikhlas, bnde penat2 ni sume da sebati dlm bdan kitorang....

First thing first, aq kne latih bdak boling, mse dlu batu pahat pye team boling mmang best, x tipu, even penoh competition, tapi kitorang sume have fun, xde unsur gaduh, sume optimistic and positive-thinking....
Bekas skolah aq iaitu SMK Tinggi Batu Pahat dlu mmang terkenal sbb byk pemain yg best2, tapi sekarang da makin kurang, so kne struggle nk carik bdak yg pandai main huhu

Bnde paling best dlm boling ni aq ade junior yg mmang btul2 rapat ngan aq mcm Qaiyum ngan Iffat, walaupon aq da jadik bekas player dlm team HS, tapi kitorang da mcm 1 family :D
Mula dgn lawan antara sekolah, sjak dlu HS ngan SDBL mmang berentap ntok johan keseluruhan, tapi disebabkan HS da kekurangan player, so SDBL da amik johan keseluruhan dalam 2 tahun berturut2, erm x kisah la asalkan bdak2 da bwat yg terbaik :)

Bnde yg aq xleh lupa, masa MSSJ, time tu sehari sebelum result, mmang aq cuak, tapi aq pegi jgak JB tuh saing Azri tumpang ayah Qaiyum nak tgok dak BP lawan, sampai je sana bual2 dgn dak2 lama, diorang pon admit gak BP da kekurangan player, ade gak yg admit sampai batch aq je habis xde pelapis yg betul2 worth ntok compete dlm boling... aq ya kan jela sbb mmang hakikatnya camtu..
apa yg aq bleh ckp, Qaiyum mesti berharap sgt ntuk masuk final pastu masuk MSSM, tapi dy x dpt dan beza ntok qualifying master cme skit je, first time aq nampak dy nangis lpas tgok keputusan, aq xleh buatpe, just pujuk dy dan nasihat ape yg patut....
lpas habis kitorang balik pastu aq terpikir ESOK RESULT SPM WOI!! =.="

Haha da xleh nk watpe, aq doa jela yg terbaik ntok result tuh, aq mmang x harap tinggi sgt sbb aq nk kejar cita2 aq iaitu computer animation, tapi bnde ni tinggal sekadar mimpi, kenapa? Nanti aq bgitau, hahhaa
Mse amik result, cam biasa la ade bagi slip atas pentas ntok straight A's, time tu aq x tau la nk ckp ape, nervous ke, takut ke, seram ke, ntah sbb mgkin aq da harap bnde lain kot... lpas sume naik pentas tu habis, aq x naik pentas, aq pgi jumpa cikgu kelas amik slip result....
Hm, alhamdulillah sbb lagi baik daripada apa yg aq fikirkan :)

this is my result hahah 4A4B1C je :)
igtkan result camni parents aq kasik aq pilih course yg aq nak tapi x, sebaliknya yg berlaku.... bapak aq suruh aq amik engineering, yg paling sakit hati bila aq terdengar bapak aq cakap kat org lain course yg aq nk tu bleh watpe, okay byangkan selama ni klau bapak korang ckp dy ikot je ape yg nk tetibe dy suruh bnde lain.... :(

okayla, tu da lepas, tapi lepas tu aq kne latih dak kawad plak, haha junior kawad ni aq x tau nk ckp ape la, sbb lain skit, kawad satu platun mmang 1 family, klau x habis semua, tapi yg bestnya diorang semangat tahun ni so aq xdela rasa pnat sgt .....
first of all, bila aq tau diorang menang naib johan kawad skolah, aq xde rasa pape sgt, tu buatkan aq nk follow diorang amik result kat pt raja ntok pertandingan kawad kor kadet polis peringkat daerah, time tu aq mmang terkejut gila bila dpt tau yg diorang menang no 5 skaligus dapat bawak balik piala kali pertama...
Time tu aq nampak kemenangan tu membarakan semangat bdak2 ntuk masuk pertandingan kawad formasi peringkat daerah...
Masa lawan peringkat daerah, aq dtg gak time latihan ngan lawan, time latihan tu mmang ade masa aq x puas hati dgn bdak2 ni, tapi ni ntuk kebaikan diorang gak.....
bila diorang mnang no 1 aritu da x dpt nk ckp pape, aq ngan azri terharu tgok bdak2 ni da berusaha pastu menang...

skarang tgh berlatih ntok peringkat negeri plak, x tau la bleh dtg tgok lagi ke x? hahahah
ape2 pon aq da bagi yg terbaik ntok korang, aq x kesah klau aq penat ke sakit ke, asalkan korang dapat ape yg korang nak... kokurikulum penting camtu jugak ngan blaja....

Papepon aq da xde ape nk ckp ngan korang ni, hope korang junior dpt bace aq pye post ni, aq bangga ngan korang :)
Skarang aq tgh tggu result masuk universiti, hope korang doakan aq dpt masok u yg aq nak :D

stay confidence :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Dream :)

WTF!!! Last post was on 26 june!! hahah what should i do, my life kinda messy back then (same as now duh).....  o.o

Well whatever, haha anyway, what's up guys, hope u r all in a good shape :D
Today is 28 January, still waiting for my SPM result, erm, i dont know how to explain it, but this exam is hard, i know that it's not impossible right? Let's just hope that my hardship before the exam will pay off soon....

Now, talked about waiting for result, my current job is online salesman and i sell some street clothing, just started for a month i think and damn it's hard to sell something, maybe this is what a part-time job means (taking a job that's opposite from a job that what u want for a certain time)...
I hope u guys can take ur times to visit our page here :

Sometimes, it hurts to think where can u go for study. Just like me, i had a rough time with my mom for almost 2 years because of the job that i choose...
Whenever everyone that around me said something bitter for my dream, it hurts, yes! It really hurts!! Don't u guys feels the same way?? I know that's just a trial, but i think someone in my condition will know how i feel....

I start drawing when i was nine, it's kinda funny because that time i'm suck at drawing and i don't feel like i want to draw something... My interest starts to grow when i saw one of my friend draw something in a book, i think it would be fun and to my surprise it is! A drawing can release my tense and tears. From that moment, we start to draw and become better at it...
It's funny to me, my first character was Sonic the hedgehog, u guys know about it right? The blue hedgehog that's really fast when running, i try to modify it until some points i know that it's a copyrighted, so i start to draw my own character, that time i was in high school....

well it's interesting to become someone like me, it's like almost every people don't want me to become who i am. A challenging yet a sad story of my life, i know how sucks i am in drawing but u guys can't stop me from what i choose, and now i still have a hard time with one of my friends.... naah, don't want to talk about it.

Haha, anyway, my drawing sure brought me to a point where i can't ever imagine, it looks like the drawing brought me to a digital animation, an art sure an art, i fall in love to make a model 3D and a better story lining, all of this happens when i came across with animation movie, it's an art in virtual world, just like what i heard, art is everywhere.

Thanks to it also because now i know art can express more than it looks, because of art, i get the hard life, and because of art, i appreciate this life....

Lastly, i know who can i depends on, He will always by my side.... And now i know what can i do, art is my dream, i'll chase it even if it's running away from me...

P/s: thanks to everyone who keep supporting me, and thanks to the people who look down on me either because u guys push me to positive side :)

stay in touch and thanks for reading :D