
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

bowling!! with the member of CORRUPTED BAND AFNAN!! HAHHA XD

Well, camne nk mula ek???

Afnan, ahli Corrupted Band atau dikenali sebagai CB telah ajk aq men boling, memula dgr cam best jer aq join r, tpi x sgke lak leh 2 org jer yg gi sbb member yg len sumer ad hal....

best gak gi boling tdi, wlaupon skit org tpi aq dpt release tension aq, wahaha, dh lme doe x men boling, aq skang ni tgh blaja basic dri abg Azhar kt BP mall, dy ckp nk ajr aq sorang jer, memula tu mmang la tekejut, org cam aq ni ad org nk ajr, pape pown aq try dgr sume bnde yg abg tu ajr....

korang msti pelik kan?? Aq ni sbnrnye nk watpe blaja bnde byk sgt?? Well,sbnrnye aq x rse ape yg aq blaja ni byk sgt, just KAWAD, DRAWING, GUITAR AND BOWLING..... that's all.....

btw, arini best gak, mlam ti aq nk gi mall blaja bowling plak :3
just wan u guys to know that im not a very talkative type, but when i become a talkative type, i changed to another person that's much different from me....

so guys,keep in touch ya??
this is us,afnan is at the right and me at the center we are the best friend since the old times...XD